Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Picnic at the Beach

      It's time for the next challenge at FarmQuest and this time our theme is "Picnic Things."  Don't forget the underlying 'farm or country' element which is always required.

     My mind went to childhood days of picnics at the seashore and cooking things on a grill or in a pot.  I'm a great collector of  recipes and I knew I had one for a shrimp boil with a fabulous picture of a beach picnic with shrimp and lobster, clams and corn.

     I wish I could take full credit for the coloring on this one, but it's a pre-colored image and all I did was edit the color saturation on it before printing.  Isn't it marvelous?  What a perfect rendition of a Carolina coast or even something along the Gulf Coast in Bayou Country.  The 'country' element certainly comes through even if it's a beach instead of  "mid-west farm" country.


     I hope you're going to come and play with us for our "Picnic Things" challenge.  We love seeing what you create so let your imagination go and be as wild as you like with the idea of a country picnic.  :-D
     Happy Crafting.  NanaConnie


Taty said...

a very cute card, the idea of ​​the recipe is beautiful. Thanks for joining Creative Knockouts Taty x DT

Elizabeth Hart said...

Great summer card - plus, love a shrimp boil here in the South