Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 29 is National Cat Day!

     Just in case you have never looked at the sidebar photos on my blog --

R.I.P. Sweet Lady

     This is a perfect representation of the reason we even have a National Cat Day!

     Sweet Cleo is no longer with us but the memories of the time I shared with her are still in my heart and mind.  She was the sweetest, cuddliest, most adorable and loveable feline ever but she definitely understood the pecking order (er, ah, chain of command, I mean.)

     So, all you enslaved humans, join me in wishing our feline friends a most Happy National Cat Day.   Salute appropriately and go dig out the catnip and tuna!  :-D NanaConnie


DonnaMundinger said...

Happy Cat Day, Nana Connie! Love to you and all cats EVERYWHERE! xxD

jimlynn said...

YEA!!!! Celebrate all the little kitties of the world!

Janis said...

Cleo is beautiful, as are each of your kitties. Great caption for your Grand Duchess!! Thank you for sharing this week. Happy National Cat Day!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Linda Simpson said...

I understand completely about the chain of command with my own two fur babies.
Linda xxx

Teresa M. Arsenault said...

What a darling card for your friend. I did not know yesterday was National Cat Day, but my cat did. She posed for a pic, leaning on my shoulder, first thing in the morning. You can see it on my FB from yesterday. Of all my wonderful pets, I must say that cats are still on the top of my list. hugs, Teresa

Donna Ellis said...

There is nothing as crazy, cute, fabulously entertaining as a kitty! xx

Lori Kobular said...

Cleo sure was a beauty!!