I'm so excited to share this beautiful angel tree topper which was made completely from things in our crafting stash, no cash outlay at all. I say "our" stash because this this is yet another collaboration with my sis-in-law, Lainy.
She did the majority of the hands-on work on this doll, painting it completely including the face, designing and arranging the hair, and adding all the little embellishment bits. My stash supplied all the 'fabrics', including laces, tassels, ribbon, trims, and even the cardboard used to make a cone shape under the skirt. The wings were made from lace which was painted and glittered after it was shaped into wings. The paint helped to hold the shape after it dried.
Just so you can appreciate the amount of time it took to complete the angel, a good week was spent on the project, working every day and letting things dry completely between steps. I wanted you to see a close up of it and photographing it on the tree just became impossible due to the height of the tree this year.
Back to the craft room for me. I still have a dozen or so cards I have to finish before this week ends and that end is very close at hand. But let me leave you with a quick pic of the angel in her proper place on the tree.
Happy Crafting. NanaConnie